Wednesday 3 June 2009

Saturday 7 March 2009

CGTalk Lighting Challenge

This is my contribution to the CGTalk lighting challenge

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Poster design

Poster for the QUT graduation showcase

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Stop-Motion of the day

A little wall-e stop motion I made today :)

Wall-e stop motion from TestPilot Joe on Vimeo.

Winter in Oslo

Got some pictures while walking on my way to a friend. I kinda liked this one the best


Some illustrations

Illustrator illustration

An illustration using a bit of 80s' style

Entry for a 3D challange.

This was an entry for a 3D challenge with the theme groceries.
Inspired by Carl Warner

A couple of images...

My onlone portfolio blog thingy

This will be a place where I share stuff that is...